Prof. Kiyota received the Balushev Award by the Bulgarian Society for SMGE
June 19, 2023
清田先生がブルガリアにおいて第一回Balushev Awardを受賞しました Kiyota sensei was selected as the first winner of the Balushev Award, established by the Bulgarian Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering and the Department of Geotechnics at the University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy (UACG) in Sofia. The Award is named after Prof. Balush Balushev, the founder of geotechnics in Bulgaria. […]
Celebration to Prof. Kiyota
May 2, 2023
清田先生教授昇任お祝い会 Many graduates and collaborating members of Kiyota Lab gathered together to congratulate Kiyota Sensei on his promotion to full professor. Thank you for all your support! 清田先生教授昇任お祝い会を開催しました。皆様、誠に有り難うございました。
Welcome Party in April
April 18, 2023
4月の歓迎会 Kurima Sensei, Jiang, Kariya and Imai have joined our lab since April. 栗間先生、江さん、仮屋さんと今井さんが加わりました。