Damage Survey

2021 Fukushima Earthquake

M7.3 aftershock hit in the coastal area along Fukushima and Miyagi prefecture, which resulted in relatively small damage to grounds and structures. Spalling of the concrete cover was observed at the first floor column ends in the Miyagi Hospital beside the strong motion seismograph, MYGH10. Neighboring ground surfaces were deformed near Yamamoto blanch city office.


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2018 Sulawesi earthquake, Indonesia

The earthquake caused long-distance flow-slides on very gentle slopes in and around Palu City. The maximum flow distance at each site was several hundred meters or more. Kiyota Lab started field surveys from immediately after the earthquake to the present and is working to clarify the flow mechanism.


関連プロジェクト:JSPS国際共同研究加速基金「緩傾斜地盤で発生した長距離液状化流動のメカニズムと発生条件の解明 」2019-2022 研究代表者:清田隆

2018 Hokkaido earthquake, Japan

In the epicenter area, a large number of landslides occurred at slopes formed by volcanic soils. In the residential areas on the filled soil in Sapporo City, liquefaction and subsidence of several meters occurred. Kiyota Lab is working on the liquefaction characteristics of volcanic soil through field surveys and laboratory experiments using in-situ samples.


関連プロジェクト:JSPS科研費「年代効果を有する地盤の広範なひずみレベルにおける液状化特性とその評価手法の開発 」2020-2023 研究代表者:清田隆

2018 Hualien earthquake, Taiwan

The earthquake damage was found along a fault that crossed Hualien City from north to south. Four 7-12 story middle-rise buildings have collapsed. The roads and bridges were also heavily damaged.


2017 Puebla earthquake, Mexico

Due to the earthquake that occurred on the same day as the 1985 Great Mexico earthquake, 5-10 story middle-rise buildings collapsed. These damaged buildings were concentrated in the reclaimed area that was once a lake, where the bed rock slopes toward the past lake bottom. In Colonia del Mar, roads, buried pipes, and houses were damaged due to ground subsidence.

清田准教授は、土木学会・地盤工学会の緊急被害調査団団長として調査を実施した。奇しくも1985年の大地震と同日に発生した今回の地震では、5~10階建の中高層構造物の倒壊が目立った。これらの構造物被害は、かつて湖だった埋立地盤のうち、過去の湖底に向かって基盤が傾斜する地域に集中していた。Colonia del Marでは、地盤沈下に伴う道路、埋設管、および家屋の被害が発生した。

2016 Kumamoto earthquake, Japan

The majority of the damaged residential houses were found in Mashiki Town and its suburbs, which may be linked to intense earthquake motions associated with the seismic fault location. In Aso Caldera area, a number of moderate to large scale landslides and their significant impact to structures were observed. The greater part of landslide masses in Aso Caldera area was volcanic soils which might have caused significant strength reduction during the earthquake.


関連プロジェクト:JST国際緊急共同研究J-RAPID「熊本地震による阿蘇火山性堆積土の大変形挙動に起因する被害メカニズムの解明 」2016 研究代表者:清田隆

2014-2018 Sinkhole damage, Nepal

Since November 2013, numerous sinkholes have been forming in the Armala area of Pokhara Valley, posing serious threat to local residents. In order to provide measures aimed at reducing sinkhole risk, filed surveys into the cause and features of the sinkholes were conducted by means of DCPT, mini ram sounding, UAV and surface wave test.


関連プロジェクト:JSPS科研費「ネパール・ポカラの地理特性が地盤災害リスクに及ぼす影響評価と防災への反映」2015-2018 研究代表者:清田隆

2011 Tohoku earthquake, Japan


Field surveys have been conducted over many years since the earthquake on tsunami damage in the Tohoku region, slope failure in the inland region, and liquefaction-induced damage in the Kanto region. Kiyota Lab is actively conducting research based on these damage investigations, especially those targeting liquefaction; aging effects on liquefaction characteristics: large-strain liquefaction properties: development of liquefaction mitigation method and hazard map.


関連プロジェクト:JSPS科研費「東日本大震災後の課題に着目した地盤の液状化強度特性に及ぼす諸要因の影響と評価法」2012-2015 研究代表者:清田隆