Urgent reconnaissance survey of Earthquake hitting around Fukushima and Miyagi was conducted. The following link is the report which presented in JSCE on 30th March (size: 8.2MB).
Prof. Kiyota received Silver Award from the Taisei Foundation for his research "A new method for estimating liquefaction resistance using shear wave velocity and its application".
Mr. Hsieh (D2) received Presentation Award from GeoKanto2021.
Kiyota Lab visited Tokyo University of Science.
A research paper "Comparison of post-liquefaction undrained strength characteristics of two different clean sands using large strain torsional shear apparatus" by Nazish, Umar and Kiyota was honored the Best Paper of 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil and Earthquake Engineering, held in Peshawar, Pakistan.
NazishとUmar先生と清田准教授の論文が、パキスタン・ペシャワールで行われた1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil and Earthquake EngineeringにおいてBest Paper Awardを受賞しました。発表論文は「Comparison of post-liquefaction undrained strength characteristics of two different clean sands using large strain torsional shear apparatus」です。
Lab Trip in Eastern Hokkaido
Site survey with CERI for Cold Region in Nakashibetsu, Hokkaido.
September, 2021
Prof. Shiga and Mr. Hsieh (D2) received Presentation Award from 56th Annual Meeting of JGS.
Farewell party for Mr. Nazish and Ms. Amani was held.
Oya (2020 graduated) visited our lab and brought a present.
July, 2021
Prof. Kiyota, Prof. Shiga and Mr. Hsieh (D2) gave a presentation in the 56th Annual Meeting of JGS.
Urgent reconnaissance survey of the mudslide occurred at Izusan, Atami, Shizuoka was conducted.
June, 2021
Prof. Kiyota received the 2020 JGS Award (Research Achievement Award). The award was given in recognition of the Kiyota lab's research "Aging effects on liquefaction strength and deformation characteristics of sandy soil and its evaluation method", which has led to the comprehensive development of technology for liquefaction disaster prevention.