FY 2022

  • Farewell Party in March


    Our fellow members Shiga Sensei, Dr. Hsieh, Dr. Chua (D3), Wan and Ito (M2) are moving to a new chapter in life. We wish you a great journey ahead!


  • Intern students from Taiwan


    Two students from Taiwan spent a month in our lab. We wish you the best in your future.


  • 2023 New Year Party


    New Year Party was first held after three years. Thank you for being a part of us.


  • Events: January 2023


    Our lab had been quite busy in January, where we had the winter One-day seminar and party, Osaka site visit for bachelor student, and final defense sessions of our PhD and Master students.

    1月に様々なイベントがありました。冬学期のOne-day Seminarとパーティー、学部生との大阪見学、または博士と修士の最終審査も経て、忙しかったです。

  • Joint seminar in Kusatsu


    There was a joint seminar with the National institute of Technology Gunma College, Nagaoka University of Technology and Nuroran Institute of Technology. We were so absorbed in the research presentation of other labs. It was also a great opportunity to learn about the project experience of engineers dealing with issues in Kusatsu.


  • 2022 Okamura Cup


    The interlaboratory 2022 Okamura Cup was softball competition. Our members participated in the Geotechnical Group Team. In the semi-final, the Third-Year Bachelor Team (B3) defeated us and we claimed the second runner-up. Let's keep the spirits up.


  • 2022 Lab trip


    During the lab trip, we visited the Toshogu Shrine, Nikko and Oya History Museum, Utsunomiya.  We also had a farewell party for Nikolay (JSPS Researcher) and Bobby (M2).


  • One-day seminar in the 2022 summer semester was held!

    2022年夏学期のOne-day Seminarを開催しました。

    We held one-day seminar with students from one of our collaborating labratories, Ikeda Lab in Nagaoka University of Technology. Some students seem to be keeping up English presentation

    2022年夏学期のOne-day Seminarを開催しました。みなさん英語に食らいついています...!

  • Collaborated research with Kiso-Jiban Consultants Co., Ltd.


    We conducted a demonstration test using a pressurized soil tank for newly developed small-scale frozen sampling technique at the Chiba Experimental Site of Foundation Geotechnical Consultants, Inc.


  • New members have just joined Kiyota Lab!


    Osawa, Hori and Sato joined our lab as a master students and bachelor student.
