September 28, 2023November 29, 2023FY2023 Farewell Party in September 9月の送別会 As we bid farewell to Dr. Nihaaj (D3) who graduated this September, we would like to keep in touch with him. […]
September 15, 2023November 29, 2023FY2023 Joanne (D3) received Presentation Award from JGS Joanneさんが地盤工学会から優秀論文発表者賞を受賞しました Joanne was recognized by the Japanese Geotechnical Society for her prensetation on the Effects of Soil Density and Fabric on SPT […]
July 31, 2023November 29, 2023FY2023 2023 58th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering 第58回地盤工学研究発表会 During the 2023 JGS conference in Fukuoka, some of our members gave research presentation. 今年の地盤工学研究発表会が福岡で行われました。発表の様子がこちらです。